
Carcassonne rules change two cities
Carcassonne rules change two cities

carcassonne rules change two cities

Since most of my customers are unaware of German rule changes, I felt it was best to keep the original as having two versions only adds confusion (as seem by those of you who ARE aware of the German rules). Therefore, I asked Hans im Glück if I could keep mine and was told they were happy with both, but were changing theirs as they felt the new rules were easier to understand. When I first learned of the changes proposed by Hans im Glück, I tested them and found I (and my test groups) preferred the original. There's a statement by Jay Tummelson on the link I gave to a page explaining the three editions of scoring stating that they prefer the first edition scoring and asked Hans im Glück for permission, which was granted. Rio Grande Games has chosen not to implement the latter editions. Basically, Hans im Glück has released three editions of the game, each with slightly different scoring rules, primarily in the area of farmers. Knights get 4 points for 2-tile cities.I have tried my best to state things as I understand them and in a clear manner. 3rd Edition - each completed city adjoining a farm scores 3 points.1st Edition - each completed city scores 4 points for the player who has the most farmers supplying it, regardless of which farm they're on.We're definitely looking to play more Carcassonne and are curious to know what's the more accepted rule set: I've poked around a bit online now and found that there's some debate about the rule differences, with most people divided between the 1st and 3rd edition. However, I checked the rules to our version yesterday, and sure enough the rules were different.

carcassonne rules change two cities

We thought that maybe we were just a bit confused about the rules, and the scoring was quite a bit simpler than we remembered. When it came to scoring farms, they started going about it in a completely different manner than we were accustomed to, and the rules backed them up. This week though, one of the couples that came brought the Big Box, which we played with. My wife and I have the game, but don't always play that often.

carcassonne rules change two cities

So on Friday we had a few friends over for dinner and gaming, and we capped the night off with a round of Carcassonne.

carcassonne rules change two cities

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    Carcassonne rules change two cities